Chemistry Tutoring
In-home Chemistry Tutoring

Results You Can Expect from Chemistry Tutoring
Learning chemistry in school can be tricky as students cannot directly see atoms or molecules, so they must use their imagination when learning. Our chemistry sessions have successfully helped our learners by customized each lesson to their needs. Each student learns differently. Therefore each chemistry tutoring lesson is unique and specifically designed for the individual student.
Our chemistry tutors focus on explaining the concepts students have missed and through practice questions ensure that their students can apply the knowledge to answer questions. A lot of practice is needed to become comfortable with manipulating equations and working with data. Once the student has a good understanding of the concepts, they start to enjoy learning this fascinating subject.
Why is Chemistry Tutoring Important for Struggling Students
Chemistry can be an enjoyable subject if the student understands the material. However, for those who have knowledge gaps, working through chemistry questions can be daunting. Chemistry is a subject that is a requirement for many post-secondary fields. A lot of university majors require completion of at least first-year chemistry courses. Therefore, if the student has not yet fully grasped the concepts at the high school level, they will have difficulty with the more advance material. Strong knowledge of the subject will help students succeed in their academic journey.
About our Chemistry Tutoring
Our high school chemistry tutoring sessions focus on the laws and theories of particles and their interaction with each other. Chemistry can be a fun subject; however, if the student is struggling in school, then they may not see it that way. There are a few tricks and tips in chemistry 11 and 12 courses that make calculations much easier and straightforward for students. Our tutors help students find the best way to approach answering their chemistry questions while ensuring that students understand the concepts fully.
Testimonial from a Parent
Just a note to say that Humaam who has been tutoring my son has been the perfect mentor. [My son] says he looks forward to his weekly sessions.