In-home Math Tutoring
Results You Can Expect from Math Tutoring
As a result of our dedicate math program, many of our struggling students become inspired to pursue a math-related subject in university. It is amazing that with just a few hours of tutoring a month a student can see themselves as a potential mathematician.
Contrary to popular belief, math is not a talent. All students can do math and the story we tell ourselves – ‘I am not a math person’ – is a myth. Our tutoring lessons focus on strengthening students’ ability to manipulate and work with numbers, and in turn, boost their math grades in school. We focus on the process of learning and mastery and instill a love for learning in our students. The majority of our struggling students have improved from 40%’s and 50%’s to 80%’s and 90%’s on their school tests and assessments.
Why is Math Important for Students
Math is an important subject that requires students to think critically and analytically about numbers. It is a language of its own, and to understand it successfully, students need to learn the basic skills in their school years. Math courses are a requirement not only in elementary and high school, but many post-secondary degrees require math literacy and completion of certain math courses as pre-requisites. Therefore, understanding the concepts and being able to manipulate numbers is important for a student’s successful academic journey.
About our Math Tutoring Services
Elementary school math
We use a test-based approach in tutoring math to elementary school students. Our approach helps our young learners achieve new heights in their math skills and allows them to excel in their course. Our math tutors create a fun, safe and supportive learning space and help students gain confidence in problem solving. We use JUMP Math and Singapore Math methods, depending on the student’s needs and skills. All tutoring classes take place in your home in the area, at a time convenient for your family.
High school math
Our test-based high school math tutorials ensure that our students gain a complete understanding of the math concepts. Our math tutors ensure that students are able to manipulate numbers to approach questions logically. Many post-secondary majors require at least a first-year math credit. Therefore, a strong foundation in math has a substantial impact on children’s future education and learning.
Testimonial from a Parent
“Both Wayne and I are extremely proud of [Our Sons] for working so diligently in their maths and most of all appreciate their good work habits and positive attitudes, all of which are in no small part due to Hailey’s caring approach and amazing intuition when it comes down to teaching kids the wonders of math!”

What do students learn at each math level?
Grade 1 Math Tutoring
In grade 1, students are introduced to the number sequence, simple addition and subtraction and shapes and measurements. Tutors use various methods of teaching, one of which is making use of physics objects, such as number cubes, pattern blocks and color rods to teach the lessons.
We use JUMP Math or Singapore Math and teach our grade 1 students the basics in numbers and measurements. Our tutors instill an appreciation for math in students that gives them a strong start in their education.
Grade 2 Math Tutoring
In grade 2 math, students explore more complex concepts, such as skip counting and adding and subtracting two-digit numbers. Some students are also introduced to multiplication and division. In the second grade, students begin to become more aware of themselves and their surroundings and, thus, care more about how others see them. This may manifest as worrying, self-criticism and lack of confidence in their abilities.
Our tutors work with grade 2 students to instill a love for learning and a healthy level of confidence in their academic abilities. Our tutors use an assessment-based approach to receive feedback on a student’s performance and progress. We use JUMP Math or Singapore Math workbooks to supplement the tutorials.
Grade 3 Math Tutoring
In grade 3, students may start to struggle with math, especially if they have not built a strong foundation in earlier years. Grade 3 math involves working with larger numbers, fractions, and decimals in some classes. Grade 3 math teachers also continue to build on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Some students are asked to perform math mentally instead of using visual or physical aides.
When the concept of “competition” and comparison to other students becomes more prominent, parents should pay close attention to observe any changes in their child’s attitude about school. Seeking help as soon as problems arise allows for quicker remediation, ensuring that children do not internalize anxiety. Our math tutors help grade 3 students build a strong foundation in math to support their learning. Depending on the students’ current skills, we use JUMP Math or Singapore Math workbooks to supplement their tutorials.
Grade 4 Math Tutoring
Fourth graders work with large whole numbers to perform operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Teaching higher-level material requires that students also have a strong knowledge of fractions and decimals. If the student has been struggling with these concepts, they may exhibit apathy, anxiety or resistance to learning math.
Our grade 4 math tutors help students solidify their math skills through a test-based approach. Testing allows our grade 4 students to apply their knowledge and learning in problem solving, and, in the process, become comfortable with showcasing their knowledge. We foster a safe and supportive environment for students to learn from their mistakes, which is a vital part of the learning process. We use JUMP Math or Singapore Math workbooks to supplement the tutorials.
Grade 5 Math Tutoring
Fifth grade math becomes more challenging as students manipulate complex numbers to perform math operations. The concept of percentages is introduced, and they learn to multiply and divide fractions.
Our math tutors create an enjoyable and safe environment for students to learn math and advance their numeracy skills. Our test-based approach allows students to apply the information they have learned and commit these skills to their long-term memory. Depending on the students’ current skills and learning styles we use JUMP Math or Singapore Math methods to supplement the tutorials.
Grade 6 Math Tutoring
Since math is a cumulative subject, it is important to gain a strong foundation in their early years in order to attain success in math 6. Students who have learning gaps may find math to be a source of stress and anxiety.
It is important to seek tutorials as soon as students show signs of struggle. Our tutors backtrack with struggling math students to uncover their learning gaps and determine what important skills were missed. Re-teaching the missed skills allows students to successfully advance in their grade.
Grade 7 Math Tutoring
Grade 7 is the last year before students make their transition to high school. To ensure a smooth transition, our tutors help students achieve a solid foundation of elementary math concepts. Our students have the confidence and the skills to successfully meet or surpass the higher expectations and demands of high school.
Grade 8 Math Tutoring
The transition from middle to high school can be tricky for students. Not only must they navigate a new school, meet new teachers and make new friends, they also face higher academic expectations from teachers and increased competition among classmates.
Our math tutors use test-based techniques to ensure a successful academic career for students. We instill in them a love for learning while teaching them the skills they need in order to overcome the challenges of higher grades.
Grade 9 Math Tutoring
Grade 9 math builds on the foundation students achieved in previous math courses and introduces more complex concepts. Whether the student is achieving or struggling, our tutors meet them at their level and further advance their skills.
We use test-based techniques to ensure a successful academic career for students. We instill in them a love for learning and teach students the skills they need to overcome the challenges of higher grades.
Grade 10-12 Math Tutoring
Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 will diverge in their math education based on their future academic plans. We support students through all the pathways and work with them to ensure a successful transition from high school.